Young Thorne cannot say exactly how many Winters he has lived, even if knowing that it must be around 15, or maybe 16. Being an intelligent person, it is not his fault. It is only that his family did not had the tradition to mark birthdays, and thus they did not had the tradition to celebrate namedays each year. And maybe that's not as strange as it looks if you understand that they did not followed the Imperial Calendar as in every Imperial town, but only the annual seasons cycle. 
Incidentally, his family did not lived in any city or town. Instead of the protection of these far more common ways of living, Thorne's ancestors chose to go to one of the most dangerous and wildest places in the Empire: the Drakwald Forest. That is, chose to go, or to remain there.
Being in a long line of hunters and forest dwellers, Thorne probably is an almost direct descendent of the oldest human tribes to arrive at this part of the world, humans who lived among nature instead of trying to change it aggressively. Practical followers of Taal and Rhya, they inhabited simple houses and shacks, had a community organization with a organic hierarchy based on age and value, cultivated some food and handled some animals. Mostly they lived on collecting from the forest and hunting. That is to say, hunting a lot.
More than that, they went to the towns nearer to them to exchange or sell salted meat and skins for diversified food and manufactured equipment. That was the way Thorne knew empirically that existed other forms of living, and that these other forms knew of Thorne's family, a strange group of hunters who chose to live resisting beastmen as an impossible deed (that nonetheless they apparently were able to do) and at least did some good bringing excellent quality skins and leather for very low prices thrice a year.
Perhaps more importantly, that was also the way Thorne survived what happened at the time. Because if it was for some years now that the foul beastmen grew perceptively in numbers, strength and violence throughout the forest, it still seemed very sudden when from a day to another they were organized as a vast and terrible army. Oriented to destroying every den of humanity in and around the Drakwald Forest, it was not long when some group of the terrible chaos minions attacked Thorne's family place in the woods.
But he was not there at the time. The young lad had gone hunting with his father for some days, as the older man usually took one of his children or nephews when he wanted to teach specifically. It was not very long, however, until hunter and apprentice noticed that something very wrong was going on. Suddenly they found beastmen trails everywhere, and the sounds of war drums were not far away.
The two of them runned home as fast as they could without stopping being very cautious. The only thing that they found when they got there was what was left of their houses as small piles of wood on flames.
That was nothing more to do but hope for the best. Maybe their family had foreseen the danger, running away just after setting the houses on fire to prevent the enemy from getting any benefit of the place. But maybe worsen things had indeed happened.
They did not had any time to wonder about these things. The war drums were getting closer and closer, and if they could clearly see that some beastmen had already passed through there, it was something not smaller than a warband what approached. And their escape was so close and so tense, filled with hours of hiding and just few minutes to cross long distances, that the two of them eventually got separated.
Not being able to find his father and not risking calling for him, Thorne did the only thing that he could, something his old man taught him his whole life: focused on surviving. So he went on. Eventually he got to the fortified town of Undergard, where he found a large contingency of Imperial soldiers ready for battle.
And indeed battle there was. A huge warband commanded by a beastman warlord called Khazrak One-Eye lay siege on Untergard, trying to control the safe passage through the River Taub the town's bridge represented. But the forces of the Empire were successful in holding their defence until Khazrak got impatient and went north to help his lords on the siege of Middenheim.
Eventually, the Imperial forces started to move away from the city, they too going north, but to defend the capital. Hurt from helping in the battle and feeling lost about what to do next, Thorne remained in Untergard to recover. He had made some friendship with the townsfolk, having their gratitude and feeling some for them as well. And there were two even more out-of-town people than him with which Thorne had gotten acquainted and was about to become companion: the Verena Initiate Chade and the Roadwarden Magnus.
The three of them ended up helping the townsfolk escaping another siege of beastmen (see Through the Drakwald adventure in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay). They went north to Middenheim, where a High Priest of Verena assigned a mission to them in a small village to the west. After that, Magnus left the group and, when they had to go north to Nordland to resolve what appeared to be some diplomatic problem among the people of a fishing village and barbarians from Norsca, they were joined by a soldier named Berthold and a vagabond named Lenora, just to come back with yet another companion, a dwarf miner named Galith.
Since then, the five of them are trying to resolve increasingly difficult problems in and out of the city. And from these experiences Thorne is evolving into being the person to keep the group alive when in the woods (with great help in navigation by Lenora and Galith) and the greatest range combat specialist of them all.
He still is a young man. And even if by luck or fate his mind is holding straight after all he is going through fighting the abominations of Chaos, Thorne is becoming an increasingly careful person, if not to say a sometimes frightened one. His archer borne talent does not stop to get better with skill, and his training in the wild is getting him to become a scout of potential.
Thorne is a practical person, always trying to focus in what works. He is not an educated individual, but tends to look at things in a manner as his family taught him: what could be explained as a “pack manner”, which is high intelligent sometimes. Nevertheless, the poverty of the world and the injustices he has seen (in the form of the poor people always getting the baddest of the bad times) made him get his attention to the way society is organized. For a time, Thorne considered joining a friend he met in the streets at Middenheim, another young man who would go to the Platz talk to people about injustice and rebelling against it. For that, he started to have lessons on reading and writing with Chades, and even got himself a law book.
But even if these problems of the social system have his attention, Thorne doesn't seem to be able to deviate from what is his natural path. And so he evolves. Maybe, if he proves to be capable of keeping this path and at the same time opening himself to new fields of knowledge, he will be able to learn how to read. And then, not only he has much to understand about law from one book, he has one other volume, secretly in his possession as a gift of a strange and small acquaintance, that could teach him a lot of the ways of a social worker…
(Thorne is played by Wal, the man, the legend.)
Thorne's current Stats:
Human Hunter
Male, 1,78m, 70kg, grey-green eyes, black hair, pale skin. About 15 years old. Star Sign: ?
WS34% BS58% S33% T46% Ag52% Int40% WP31% Fel31%
Att 1 W 14 IP 1 FP 4
Skills: Concealment, Gossip, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Search, Silent Move, Swim, C. Know (Empire), Follow Trail, Speak Lang. (Reikspiel) and Secret Signs (Ranger).
Talents: Hardy, Lightning Reflexes, Marksman, Night Vision, Rapid Reload, Rover, Spec. Weap. Group (Longbow) and Very Resilient.
Experience Gained: 1345.

Incidentally, his family did not lived in any city or town. Instead of the protection of these far more common ways of living, Thorne's ancestors chose to go to one of the most dangerous and wildest places in the Empire: the Drakwald Forest. That is, chose to go, or to remain there.
Being in a long line of hunters and forest dwellers, Thorne probably is an almost direct descendent of the oldest human tribes to arrive at this part of the world, humans who lived among nature instead of trying to change it aggressively. Practical followers of Taal and Rhya, they inhabited simple houses and shacks, had a community organization with a organic hierarchy based on age and value, cultivated some food and handled some animals. Mostly they lived on collecting from the forest and hunting. That is to say, hunting a lot.
More than that, they went to the towns nearer to them to exchange or sell salted meat and skins for diversified food and manufactured equipment. That was the way Thorne knew empirically that existed other forms of living, and that these other forms knew of Thorne's family, a strange group of hunters who chose to live resisting beastmen as an impossible deed (that nonetheless they apparently were able to do) and at least did some good bringing excellent quality skins and leather for very low prices thrice a year.
Perhaps more importantly, that was also the way Thorne survived what happened at the time. Because if it was for some years now that the foul beastmen grew perceptively in numbers, strength and violence throughout the forest, it still seemed very sudden when from a day to another they were organized as a vast and terrible army. Oriented to destroying every den of humanity in and around the Drakwald Forest, it was not long when some group of the terrible chaos minions attacked Thorne's family place in the woods.
But he was not there at the time. The young lad had gone hunting with his father for some days, as the older man usually took one of his children or nephews when he wanted to teach specifically. It was not very long, however, until hunter and apprentice noticed that something very wrong was going on. Suddenly they found beastmen trails everywhere, and the sounds of war drums were not far away.
The two of them runned home as fast as they could without stopping being very cautious. The only thing that they found when they got there was what was left of their houses as small piles of wood on flames.
That was nothing more to do but hope for the best. Maybe their family had foreseen the danger, running away just after setting the houses on fire to prevent the enemy from getting any benefit of the place. But maybe worsen things had indeed happened.
They did not had any time to wonder about these things. The war drums were getting closer and closer, and if they could clearly see that some beastmen had already passed through there, it was something not smaller than a warband what approached. And their escape was so close and so tense, filled with hours of hiding and just few minutes to cross long distances, that the two of them eventually got separated.
Not being able to find his father and not risking calling for him, Thorne did the only thing that he could, something his old man taught him his whole life: focused on surviving. So he went on. Eventually he got to the fortified town of Undergard, where he found a large contingency of Imperial soldiers ready for battle.
And indeed battle there was. A huge warband commanded by a beastman warlord called Khazrak One-Eye lay siege on Untergard, trying to control the safe passage through the River Taub the town's bridge represented. But the forces of the Empire were successful in holding their defence until Khazrak got impatient and went north to help his lords on the siege of Middenheim.
Eventually, the Imperial forces started to move away from the city, they too going north, but to defend the capital. Hurt from helping in the battle and feeling lost about what to do next, Thorne remained in Untergard to recover. He had made some friendship with the townsfolk, having their gratitude and feeling some for them as well. And there were two even more out-of-town people than him with which Thorne had gotten acquainted and was about to become companion: the Verena Initiate Chade and the Roadwarden Magnus.
The three of them ended up helping the townsfolk escaping another siege of beastmen (see Through the Drakwald adventure in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay). They went north to Middenheim, where a High Priest of Verena assigned a mission to them in a small village to the west. After that, Magnus left the group and, when they had to go north to Nordland to resolve what appeared to be some diplomatic problem among the people of a fishing village and barbarians from Norsca, they were joined by a soldier named Berthold and a vagabond named Lenora, just to come back with yet another companion, a dwarf miner named Galith.
Since then, the five of them are trying to resolve increasingly difficult problems in and out of the city. And from these experiences Thorne is evolving into being the person to keep the group alive when in the woods (with great help in navigation by Lenora and Galith) and the greatest range combat specialist of them all.
He still is a young man. And even if by luck or fate his mind is holding straight after all he is going through fighting the abominations of Chaos, Thorne is becoming an increasingly careful person, if not to say a sometimes frightened one. His archer borne talent does not stop to get better with skill, and his training in the wild is getting him to become a scout of potential.
Thorne is a practical person, always trying to focus in what works. He is not an educated individual, but tends to look at things in a manner as his family taught him: what could be explained as a “pack manner”, which is high intelligent sometimes. Nevertheless, the poverty of the world and the injustices he has seen (in the form of the poor people always getting the baddest of the bad times) made him get his attention to the way society is organized. For a time, Thorne considered joining a friend he met in the streets at Middenheim, another young man who would go to the Platz talk to people about injustice and rebelling against it. For that, he started to have lessons on reading and writing with Chades, and even got himself a law book.
But even if these problems of the social system have his attention, Thorne doesn't seem to be able to deviate from what is his natural path. And so he evolves. Maybe, if he proves to be capable of keeping this path and at the same time opening himself to new fields of knowledge, he will be able to learn how to read. And then, not only he has much to understand about law from one book, he has one other volume, secretly in his possession as a gift of a strange and small acquaintance, that could teach him a lot of the ways of a social worker…
(Thorne is played by Wal, the man, the legend.)
Thorne's current Stats:
Human Hunter
Male, 1,78m, 70kg, grey-green eyes, black hair, pale skin. About 15 years old. Star Sign: ?
WS34% BS58% S33% T46% Ag52% Int40% WP31% Fel31%
Att 1 W 14 IP 1 FP 4
Skills: Concealment, Gossip, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Search, Silent Move, Swim, C. Know (Empire), Follow Trail, Speak Lang. (Reikspiel) and Secret Signs (Ranger).
Talents: Hardy, Lightning Reflexes, Marksman, Night Vision, Rapid Reload, Rover, Spec. Weap. Group (Longbow) and Very Resilient.
Experience Gained: 1345.
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