Granny Moescher is the oldest inhabitant of Untergard and serves as a healer and general wise-woman for the town. Shw appears to be about 60 years old, but the talk of the town said that she was older than that. No one in Untergard can remember a time when Granny was not around.
Granny Moescher provides a political counterpoint to Captain Schiller, leading efforts to restart farming and create some kind of normal life again. Despite her title, Granny is a vigorous woman with a no-nonsense manner and an eye for practicalities. She is one of only a few people who live outside the town walls. Captain Schiller has tried several times to get her to move to the centre of the town, but she refuses to leave her home.
Among other things, Granny has been instrumental in seeing that the orphans left by the attack are looked after; she has farmed several of them out to surviving families, and at any time there will be from three to six orphans living in her house and helping out with chores.
Granny Moescher's Stats:

Human ?, ex-?, ex-?
WS28% BS30% S30% T31% Ag35% Int56% WP53% Fel45%
Att 1 W 13 Mag ? IP 5 FP 0
Skills: A. Know. (?) +10%, (Theology), Animal Care, Charm, Charm Animal +10%, ? +10%, C. Know. (the Empire), (the Wasteland), Gossip +10%, Heal, ?, Perception, Read/Write, Search, ?, S. Lang. (Classical), (Reikspiel).
Talents: ?, ?, ?, Night Vision, ?, Savvy, Strong-minded.
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